
I call myself a Wanderer, who always have a desire to travel for meaningful experiences. the more I grow up, I realize that traveling is not all about the destinations but more on the journey and people that we meet on the road / traveling with us :). Travel should be a meaningful journey and the only way to reach that value is by appreciating every little thing/moment we found on the road.. and not racing to tick all the destinations.

Since 2010 – 2018, I travel to 17 countries including USA and The Caribbean (Puerto Rico), Canada, France, Germany, Netherland, Italy, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Japan, Tanzania, Peru, and Australia.

My favorite things vary from coffee and tea, outdoor and nature, zen meditation, biking, book, cooking, photography, running. Learning to simplify life and living the ‘less is more’ philosophy.

More: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dinihajarrahmah

36 thoughts on “About me

  1. Halo salam kenal ..
    bagus deh blognya ..
    btw suka nulis artikel tentang Bandung ga ?
    klo suka, share artikel or tulis di Citizen Journalism web kita yah ..
    Oiya, jangan lupa follow (@BandungReview) dan like facebook fans page bandungreview.com juga yah!

    1. Kebetulan lagi sebulan magang di Bandung nih dr 24 Januari – 21 Februari makanya dimanfaatkan utk Explore Bandung! Hehehe. Nanti di share terus deh tiap ke spot di Bandung, salam kenal juga Akbar! 🙂

  2. Assalamu’alaikum,

    It’s quite wonderful tosee yourblog.You may notknow me, but I know you when you’re still a very cute baby. I’m an oldfriendof your aunty (enny), uncle Alief and uncle Rahman. Reading your international debut makes me proud of you, girl. I believe you will be as great as your uncle Rahman. Wish you luck…



    1. Hello Uncle Jackie (is this the right name to call you? :))
      Is that for real that you know me since when I was a very cute baby??
      Wow.. its a pleasure for me to know you then 🙂
      I bet you live somewhere in my hometown as well or study in IAIN maybe.
      Amiin for your prayer and I really hope can make a good start to continuing the generation of my family.
      Tomorrow I am going to have a selection for Student Exchange program to Canada. Please pray for me 🙂
      Thanks Uncle Jackie.

  3. assalamualaikum..
    sipp banget mbak..salam kenal..
    setelah liat2 blog mbak jadi tertarik dengan kegiatan yang mbak lakukan..
    oia mbak, mbak juga aktif di CEO kan??
    kebetulan nih mbak saya mau ojt..saya mahasiswa public relations, bisa ojt d tempat mbak???

  4. salam kenal dini..
    din share lg info ttg community college dong..apakah kamu pernah mjd salah satu pesertanya?
    saya tertarik denger pengalaman dari org2 y sdh pernah mengikuti program ini 🙂

  5. Salam kenal mba…sy Disna, asal Flores- NTT. Saya sangat tertarik dg semua kegiatan yg dirintis dan dilakukan oleh mba melalui FIM. Saya baru tahu dan mengenal FIM skrg, mudah2an FIM tersebar di Ina Timur juga. Sebagai informasi,saat ini sy sedang kuliah di Unsri Palembang (S2) dan ingin skali bergabung dgn FIM. Kalau tidak keberatan, mohon info kegiatan selanjutx ke emailku : enudisna@yahoo.com. Trims

  6. hallo salam kenal…
    saya yessy dr Jkt… mau nanya2 soal tour ke Karimunjawa bs?
    kebetulan saya dan temen2 mau start nya dr Semarang…
    really needs info neh…
    tq 😉

  7. Mb Dini, I got a very big giant motivation to create new blog of mine and start writing and sharing info what I have. Thanks for being “inspirator” for me. haha

  8. Hallo mbak dini… wah, saya bener-bener terinspirasi oleh tulisan-tulisan mbak… saya baru saja merintis semacam biro layanan psikologi, fokus kami di bidang parenting. kami sangat ingin berdialog dgn mbak Dini untuk mendapatkan ilmu baru, dan barangkali ada program yang bisa kita kerjakan bersama untuk mewujudkan visi kemajuan pendidikan di indonesia. kami memiliki website, kami akan sangat senang jika mbak mau mengunjungi web kami ini… http://www.aventuriahebat.com , terima kasih mbak…

  9. Hello, I’ve been stalking your websites and I was just like oh-my-God! I’ll be in college soon and I’ve been thinking about taking English Literature. I tried to contact you on Facebook and Twitter and it seems I couldn’t still reach you:D honestly It’s totally awesome to find someone like you that finally I can throw away my hesitation about my college plannings and other things I’d love to do after I graduate. I wish you can tell me about your experiences of your college, and I wish we can share many things. I’d really love to ask you a lot of stuffs if you don’t mind :’) Thank you for reading my message! I’m waiting for you to reply^^

  10. Hai Dini, I am letting you know that your posts inspired me. It’s fueling me to keep me achieving my dreams. Indeed, knowing that you were a debater makes me happy too because I am as well. Keep posting and inspiring, kay? 🙂

    Nindya Soraya Dharma

    1. Halo Nindya! I am really glad that it give you fuel to keep achieving your dreams. Just remember 1 thing: keep yourself happy. Sometime dream also just an illusion – ask yourself, is this just an ambition or thing that will make you happy? 🙂

  11. Halo kak Dini! I am really glad to see your nice posts. Well, aku juga di Sasing Undip kak dan tertarik banget dengan program exchange terutama PPAN. Kalau mau, kakak boleh sharing pengalaman dan tips kakak selama ikut exchange dan dapetin beasiswa ke emailku jcferrara98@gmail.com Terimakasih kak! 🙂

  12. Hi Kak Dini! I’m Sheila and just found your blog anyway. And your stories really inspire me especially your life at Boston University. I will be so glad if you would have a personal sharing with me since I’m preparing for LPDP 2019-2020 for BU College of Engineering. Would you? Thanks a lot!

    Salam 🙂

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